In cooperation with Rotary International, SSTC conducted a Community Needs Assessment to better understand and document the needs for dysphagia evaluation and treatment in Cambodia.
SSTC gathered information from representatives from the following groups of stakeholders, all of whom will potentially benefit from the expansion of dysphagia services in Cambodia:
- hospitalized Cambodian patients after stroke and their families,
- hospital administrators from five hospitals and clinics participating in a new dysphagia course to be offered by the University of Puthisastra (UP) this fall, in conjunction with SSTC and Rotary International,
- clinicians at public hospitals already trained by SSTC to evaluate and treat dysphagia,
- prospective students (doctors, nurses, PTs) for the new UP course,
- administration at the University of Puthisastra,
- international speech-language pathologists who have been dysphagia clinical supervisors for SSTC in the past.
SSTC interviewed representatives from all of these groups. From what they have told us, we have gained a better understanding of both patient and administrative preferences for dysphagia management and treatment: What works? What doesn’t? Many interviewees spoke about the crucial need for more dysphagia services in Cambodia. We are listening to what our interviewees say and are incorporating their experiences, thoughts, ideas, and feelings into the course that SSTC is creating with University of Puthisastra.