2-cropped group teaching Kossamak
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Building the profession of speech and swallowing therapies in Cambodia through training, education, and collaboration.

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Phnom Penh Post article features dysphagia treatment in Cambodia and the work of SSTC

On October 30, 2019, The Phnom Penh Post, Cambodia’s most popular English-language newspaper, published a full-page story about the work of STC and our...

Dr Sothea raises awareness of dysphagia in presentation at Cambodia-China Preah Kossamak Hospital

Here is Dr. Sothea, raising awareness about dysphagia and STC’s activities. He is presenting at one of our partner sites, Cambodia-China Preah...

Congratulations to Bunthoeurn!

Huge congratulations to Bunthoeurn at Calmette Hospital, who has independently completed 10 swallow screens with patients. Thank you Bunthoeurn for your hard...

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