2-cropped group teaching Kossamak
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Building the profession of speech and swallowing therapies in Cambodia through training, education, and collaboration.

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Professor Koy Vanny, Medical Director of Calmette Hospital, welcomes STC participation in medical team meetings

At the end of July, we had the honor of presenting our service to the senior medical team at Calmette Hospital. We...

Dr. Sothea Pov presents on dysphagia and COPD at the Cambodian Pulmonology Association annual congress

We congratulate Dr. Sothea Pov, a pulmonologist from China-Cambodian Friendship Preah Kossamak Hospital, who delivered one of the first-ever presentations in Cambodia...

Introducing Sophat and Mahn, dysphagia clinicians in training

We’d like to continue introducing our new trainees. Here is Sophat doing a swallow screen on a patient in the emergency department...

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