2-cropped group teaching Kossamak
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Building the profession of speech and swallowing therapies in Cambodia through training, education, and collaboration.

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Congratulations to Srey Mouy!

Here is Srey Mouy, who is a nurse at Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital. Today, she passed the first part of her clinical...

STC President Elizabeth Chafcouloff arrives in Phnom Penh

We are really excited to have our inspirational, caring and hard-working president Betsy Chafcouloff with us this month. Betsy will be in...

STC works with Nestlé to translate internationally-normed nutrition assessments into Khmer for the first time

Many, many thanks to Veasna Leng and to Peter Leth, our translator and back-translator who converted two internationally-normed dietary screens into Khmer...

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